

Having a good skin care routine does not have to be confusing


有很多不同的新太阳集团娱乐app, 成分, 以及保养皮肤的技巧, 看起来很吓人! 然而, we at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站公司 are Your Skin HEALTH company, 我想帮助大家消除困惑!!

是否包含这些步骤的一部分或全部, we are confident that with our products you WILL see RESULTS even after a few applications! Applying your skin care products in the proper order ensures that your skin receives the full benefits of each product. This process below can be used in the morning, night, or both times of day!


The first step to a good skin care routine is using a good 清洁剂.正确清洁皮肤是必不可少的一步, 因为它有助于去除污垢, 化妆, 毒素, 污染, 还有皮肤上的死皮.

首先要清洁皮肤, it helps give your skin a clean base upon which to apply your other products. Your skin care products will be able to penetrate more deeply, and have more efficacy! 如果你用的是润肤霜, cleansing first imparts moisture to the skin which you can RETAIN with a product. 如果你什么都不做的话, 仅仅清洁就可以去除污垢, 石油, and dead skin which could otherwise lead to breakouts and blemishes!

We recommend cleansing the skin in the morning and evening. Even just rinsing the skin with water alone can help if your skin feels irritate from regular cleansing. Also, incorporate some exfoliating cleanser or scrub once a week to help your skin feel refreshed!


一个好的 碳粉 is designed to pick up any remaining dirt and 石油 left behind after you wash your 脸. It can also act as a very gentle exfoliant to prime your 脸 for whatever products you will apply after it.

许多人选择不使用碳粉,这是可以的!! 从历史上看, toners have helped to rebalance the skin’s pH after harsh soaps and chemicals in the past. Newer products, and especially our products at Hale Cosmeceuticals, are more friendly to the skin. 很多人都没用过爽肤水, 如果你的皮肤干燥, 那么你可能要避免使用墨粉.

然而, modern toners help to deliver active 成分 and nutrients back to the skin after cleansing, and can balance the pH of the skin and prime before continuing your skincare routine


A 血清 is a concentrated topical application that delivers nutrients and active 成分 to the skin in a concentrated form. 血清 help nourish your skin, promoting healing and fighting the visible signs of aging. These usually are applied before moisturizers for maximum absorption into clean skin.

The serums at Hale Cosmeceuticals are PACKED with active 成分, and ONLY A FEW DROPS are usually needed to target the areas of the eyes, 脸, 减少颈部细纹, 皱纹, 以及其他“发炎老化”的迹象.


一个好的 眼霜 对任何护肤程序都至关重要吗, as the skin around the eyes is generally very thin and sensitive. Also with squinting, rubbing our eyes, and using 化妆, this skin undergoes a lot of stress. Many dermatologists recommend people start using eye creams as early as their 20s in order to help reduce and prevent the appearance of fine lines, 皱纹, 虚胖, 还有黑眼圈.

一个好的 eye cream or serum can help maintain the health and thickness of the skin around the eyes, and promote collagen formation in order to keep the skin looking tight and youthful. It is important to select a product that is gentle, but effective! 在使用精华液后使用眼部新太阳集团娱乐app, you can also help lock-in the effects of a powerful vitamin C or hyaluronic acid serum around the eyes.

For best results, it is important to consistently treat the skin around the eyes on a daily basis. Similar when applying serums to the skin around the eyes, 我们建议用你的无名指, 然后涂抹少量的新太阳集团娱乐app. Gently tap your eye cream onto the area beneath your eyes, avoiding the skin closest to your eyes. 每天早晚涂眼霜, you can reduce the appearance of fine lines and 皱纹 over time. Other tips include sunscreens and sunglasses to prevent squinting and UV exposure/damage


使用一个 保湿霜 is important for people of ALL ages and ALL skintypes! 使用一个 moisturizer at this step helps LOCK-IN previously applied serums and also helps to RETAIN the skin’s natural moisture after cleansing. By applying the moisturizer while the skin is still damp, 你可以在皮肤中保留更多的水分. Persons with dry skin may consider heavier moisturizers whereas those with 石油y skin may prefer something lighter.

6 .防晒霜

一些专家认为 防晒霜 to be one of the most important steps to a good skin care routine. Applying sunscreen in the morning on a daily basis can help PREVENT a lot of the damage from UV rays which lead to “Inflamm-aging” and oxidative stress to the skin. Using sunscreens on a daily basis can be an important step to protect your skin from signs of aging and sun damage. It is also important to remember to re-apply sunscreen regularly throughout the day to maintain its benefits.


我们建议使用任何类型的 面具 in order to detoxify your skin and help to exfoliate the skin. 这取决于你使用的口罩类型, 你的皮肤可以重新获得营养, 水合作用, 同时清除毒素和死皮细胞. We offer a variety of masks from our detoxifying CharColate Mask (http://nbev.terwonne.com/charcolate-masque)和淤泥面膜(http://www).terwonne.com/super-silk-silt-masque-石油). We also have our unique exfoliating masks featuring natural 成分 derived from fruits like pumpkin(http://nbev.terwonne.com/triple-fusion-pumpkin-mask) or marula/papaya (http://nbev.terwonne.com/marula-mask).

We recommend using a mask 1-2 times per week depending on your skin

For questions about these or any of our other active 成分, please 在线新太阳集团娱乐app 或者今天打电话给我们 1-800-951-7005.